


今天给大家带来的是新内真衣!1992年1月22日出生于日本埼玉县,日本女子偶像团体乃木坂46二期成员,新内真衣入行那年,21岁零2个月,从研究生升格为正式成员,是在整一年之后,那时她22岁。(Hello, this is Xiao API, now it’s time to share English learning again!Today we bring you the new Neizhen clothes! Born on January 22, 1992 in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, the Japanese girl idol group Naigusaka 46 Phase II member, Shin-Uchi Mayi entered the line that year, 21 years and 2 months old, from the graduate promotion to the official member, is in the whole year later, she was 22 years old.)

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她跟着选拔外的班子,经历了最早的一次Under Live。新内真衣在后台的采访里,很内敛紧张地说:“我作为二期生还没有什么经验,比起大家,我的起步要更晚上一年,要和他们一样努力才行。”字句间,她的表情很不纯熟,作为新人偶像的生疏青涩,全在她不断周旋,寻找思绪的眼神之中。(She followed the selection team, experienced the earliest Under Live. “I don’t have much experience as a second-class survivor,” Shinuchi said in a tense backstage interview. “I started a year later than everyone else. I have to work as hard as everyone else.” Between the words, her expression is very immature, as a new idol unfamiliar green, all in her constantly whirling, looking for thoughts in the eyes.)

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新内真衣不太好意思提起自己加入乃木坂的契机,因为那听起来会显得很荒唐。她是在大学临近毕业,找工作之余无意间发现的二期生甄选,而两者面试日期又恰好错开,并不冲突,于是搓成天作之合。因此在乃木坂物语里,如此形容:“在觅职之时,报名偶像,从没听说过这样的先例。”再加之年迈的岁数与平淡的过去,让人深觉,这家伙并不怎么靠谱。(New inside true clothes not too ashamed to mention their opportunity to join the wood ban, because it sounds ridiculous. She IS NEAR TO GRADUATE IN THE UNIVERSITY, LOOK FOR A JOB TO DISCOVER BY ACCIDENT OF THE SECOND PHASE OF THE SELECTION, AND TWO INTERVIEW DATE IS EXACTLY STAGGERED, NOT CONFLICT, THEN RUB into a match MADE IN HEAVEN. Therefore, in the Narisaka story, it is described as follows: “I have never heard of such a precedent as applying for idols when I am looking for a job.” In addition to the old age and dull past, let a person deep sense, this guy is not very reliable.)

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每位乃木坂的少女都会告诉你,只要有她出现的地方,什么东西都会变得有条不紊,被收拾的整齐顺致,她是埼玉县城走出来的女子,不可同凡人而语。她拥有绝佳的外在天赋,却习惯了在暗地里做努力,这就是大山的形象,载物厚德,润濡无声。更可况家有一老如有一宝,她就是行走的经验包、历史书,无论你何时望去,她都在那缄默屹立,无论到了哪里,都有着舒畅人心的欢笑和嬉闹。哪怕她站了一辈子的第三排,山也能照样输出自己的影响力。即便是她忙着OL工作的那段时日,乃木坂没忘记她的魔力,如今她辞去了兼顾的旁事,专心于乃木坂,就仿佛天塌地裂后大山再度雄起,风云雷雨都为之一变。(Every girl in Naigusaka will tell you that wherever she appears, everything will become orderly and tidy up neatly. She is a woman from Saitama County and cannot speak with ordinary people. She has excellent external talent, but is used to making efforts in the dark, this is the image of the mountain, rich in virtue, moisten silent. But there is an old family such as a treasure, she is walking experience package, history books, no matter when you look, she is standing in the silence, no matter where you go, there is a comfortable laughter and play. Even if she stood in the third row for the rest of her life, Shan would still be able to output his influence. Even if she is busy OL work that time, but wood ban did not forget her magic, now she resigned to take care of the next thing, concentrate on is wood ban, as if the mountain after the collapse again, the storm is one of the changes.)

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因此,她就是镇世之山,是中流砥柱,是大禹治水时立下的那根定海神针,只要有她在,一切困难总会慢慢迎刃而解,这就是山,是新内真衣。(Therefore, she is the town of the mountain, is the mainstay, is the Da Yu set up when the water, as long as there is her, all difficulties will slowly be solved, this is the mountain, is the new inner true clothes.)

– -E N D- –

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